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October 11, 2023 2 Comments
First of all, being a parent is not an easy task. We raise and educate our children to the best of our knowledge . However, dealing with differences like having a trans daughter makes the situation even harder to accomplish.
Even if you support your child and you hope that they live the perfect life it is impossible to control everything and everyone around them. The older my daughter gets the harder it is for me to protect her from the outside world and it makes it scarier every day.
I get more and more worried as I watch the news and see how much anger there could be against LGBTQ and trans people. This anger and hate keeps me awake at night. I still don’t understand that some people can judge her or treat her badly because she is trans.
We need to stand up and say No to that kind of treatment against LGBTQ and trans people. We need to spread love and acceptation. It is important to teach our trans kids to be confident and standup for themselves.
I really hope that one day this will not be an issue anymore and that she will be able to live a peaceful life. She has the right to that and I will continue to support her and the LGBTQ community for this goal.
When I founded Fit 4U solutions, it was to help her feel good in her clothes. Now with all the testimonials we have received, I realize that having access to tucking underwear has a major impact on every day life. It is a way to feel safe, to be able to go exercise or dance, to wear what you want, when you want, without being afraid that someone will notice your differences.
Continue to support your trans community, one person can make a difference.
October 13, 2023
Thank you for the hard work you put in for us trans women <3 you are a blessing, and I wish nothing but good things for you and your daughter
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October 26, 2022 1 Comment
We invented SAFE tucking underwear because there was nothing else available on the market. My daughter is trans and it was very important to me that she had the same opportunities as any other girl. As we say, if you want something just go out and get it. This is exactly what FIT 4U stands for.
February 20, 2025
Du fond de mon cœur, je souhaite une belle vie à ta fille. Le monde semblait devenir de plus en plus civilisé et ces derniers mois, ces dernières années, la haine des différences ressurgit… J’ose croire qu’elle ressurgit par manque d’éducation. Je crois sincèrement que nos jeunes sont beaucoup plus ouverts à la différence. Quand on explique les choses à nos enfants, elles ne deviennent plus un problème… Continuons d’éduquer nos enfants, continuons de les aimer, de leur transmettre la bienveillance nécessaire au bonheur… Et bravo mille fois pour ce que tu as fait pour ta fille. Grâce à vous 2, des milliers de vies peuvent bénéficier de ce confort, de ce sujet de liberté.